Vladimir Stojnić
vlastimil lejsek: mozart on the moon
sve se odigrava prebrzo ispred tvojih očiju
dok sam provodio vreme na selu pisao sam o cvetanju drveća
boja jezera, boja tacni na terasi (sa kapljicama)
boja njegovih butina
klizač na ledu, krava puna
sve se odigrava prebrzo ispred tvojih očiju
dok sebi šapućeš slova
kraj uveta
dok listovi palme klonu pod teretom mesečine
klizač završava svoje godine
jezero je tamno, i iznad njega upravo se
pojavljuje mesec
gledamo te, klizaču
crne i bele, ivice mermera sa
kojih poskakuje noseći note pod miškom & cvetove
kada ćeš se opredeliti za poziciju?
on je sam, na jezeru
sijalice osvetljavaju njegove ivice
kada ćeš se opredeliti (za odlazak)
sve se završava i ništa ne počinje
ležao sam na razmeštenon kauču u
zapadnoj strani kuće i sunce je dodirivalo moje stranice
ja sam sve
(to što sam dodirivao)
jedno napuštanje svega možda će biti apsolutno
kao što je moj doživljaj slova apsolutan
kao što je moj doživljaj praznih oblika apsolutan
on kliza (pleše) na zaleđenom jezeru obasjanom mesečinom
vlastimil lejsek: mozart on the moon
everything happens too fast in front of your eyes
while spending my time in the countryside I wrote about blossoming of the trees
the colour of the lake, the colour of the saucers on the terrace (with drops)
the colour of his thighs
a skater on the ice, a cow full of
everything happens too fast in front of your eyes
while you are whispering letter sounds to yourself
next to your ear
while palm leaves droop under the burden of moonlight
skater is ending his years
the lake is dark, and right now
the moon is rising above it
we are watching you, skater
black and white, edges of the marble from
which he bounces carrying the sheets of music notes under his armpit & flowers
when will you opt for a position?
he is alone, on the lake
the lamps illuminate his edges
when will you opt (for a departure)
everything ends and nothing begins
I was lying on a made couch in the
west side of the house and the sun was touching my pages
I am everything
(that I’ve touched)
maybe a single abandoning of everything will be absolute
as my experience of letters is absolute
as my experience of empty forms is absolute
he skates (dances) on the frozen lake illuminated by moonlight
Uroš Kotlajić (1982)
translated by Vladimir Stojnić